(Phase 3) 🇬🇧 Ms. Leah 英國小學前校長 - 72條 VOD 影片課程 (英國 uk 11+考試策略課程 )

報考英國11+考試 , 做好部署 , 考入英國心儀中學 1 take pass

Class Dates: 2021-08-05 08:00 PM (Thu) - 2021-08-05 09:30 PM (Thu)

HK$166 per lesson

What you'll learn

  • 充份了解英國 11 + 考試 四大部份的答題及應試技巧

  • 掌握各大英國學校 11+ 考試模式及題型究竟有何分别及各自的特色

  • 提升小朋友英語能力的方法 , 迎接英國生活

  • 配合 Live + Video lessons,鞏固所學

  • 流利的英語溝通、詞彙、語法、發音; 訓練及提升實用英語技能及互動能力

  • 更多精彩內容

Curriculum (GMT+1)

The live classes would be conducted online! The teacher will do video conference with students in our online classroom. You only need either a mobile phone, an iPad or a computer with webcam/mic to attend the lesson.

- 英國11+考試策略課程主要内容
包括以下部份 :

言語推理 (Verbal reasoning)
學習目的: 有信心認識不同的語言模式、語法點和語言的含義。如果孩子們廣泛閱讀並擁有廣泛的詞彙量,他們在語言推理測試中表現最好。

非言語推理 (Non-verbal reasoning)
課程及考試內容:解決用圖表和圖片表示的問題 - 找出相似的形狀(例如顏色、邊數、形狀)並找出奇數。使用形狀、數字、符號等進行密碼破解。

數學 (Maths)
根據進行 11+ 測試的地點而有所不同。在一些學校,這將採用單獨論文的形式,持續時間從三十分鐘到一小時不等。

英語 (English)


  • 學生必須在香港讀小學時,已掌握基本,能構通的英語交流能力,有一定程度的Grammar底子


  • 學生必須在香港讀小學3年級至6年級


- 總共 72 個videos + 温習攻略 / Assignments

- 英國11+考試策略課程主要内容
包括以下部份 :

1) Non - Verbal Reasoning :

2) Verbal Reasoning

3) English
評估正確文法,標點符號的用法、拼寫、理解能力 (包括綜合寫作能力)

4) Maths
位值 ; 分數、小數和百分比 ; 以及四種基本運算練習 : (加減乘除)

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Student Reviews

Wilfred Wong

My boy Wilfred has been learned from Mrs Leah nearly three years and he is love to take Leah lesson and feel most interesting and lot of chance to use different vocabulary to express in between the class of conversation. Now he is still want to keep with Leah lesson even he is busy in the secondary school. Thank you Teacher Leah .

Sheryl Ng

It’s fun to have lesson with Miss Leah. I enjoyed the lesson very much:)

Wilfred Wong

Wilfred love to take Leah lesson . He has been big progress in this two years and he must keep going . Thank teacher Leah

Ines Lai

Thank you! 😊

Chan Zeta

Miss Leah is, without doubt, a great teacher. Her words encourages me to speak more confidently. Although sometimes I may get stuck with something, Miss Leah is always eager to help me to deal with it by giving us tips and reminders. I am sure that if you are considering to take her lessons, you will not regret it. I enjoy every bit of her lessons.

Chan Zeta

Miss Leah taught us many useful tips to use at interviews such as the way you introduce yourself. She is always willing to teach us and we had a lot of fun. I am now confident that, with her help, I will ace my interview. Thanks, Miss Leah!

Chan Zeta

Miss Leah is very patient and understanding. She shows encouragement to all of us when we don't know how to say something or have trouble speaking up. I really like her smile. It gives me hope that maybe interviews aren't that scary after all. I am looking forward to more of her lessons.

Katie Wong

Thanks very much for your detailed update about her learning progress and your advice.

About the instructor

Leah Luke

💎為什麼學生應該選擇Ms Leah作為老師?💎 😇 擁有30多年教學經驗 😇 曾任TEFL學校校長,教授學生相關課程 😇 課堂以學生為本 😇 提供豐富以及多變的課程 😇 充滿教學熱誠 🎖一對一課程有優惠嗎?🎖 試堂半價 一次性購買10堂一對一 : 5% off (95折) ❗️我的課堂❗️ 小學英語課程 💎小一至小二課程💎 問題式教學法,以童話故事為教材 教導小朋友組織句子 表達技巧 閱讀理解技巧 💎小三至小四課程💎 提出開放式問題,以傳奇人物/神話為題材 教授學生文法,包括現在式,過去式,現在進行式等 表達技巧 閱讀理解技巧 💎小五至小六課程💎 以小說,神話為教材 教導比喻法 文法訓練 閱讀小說,理解當中大意 表達技巧...

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