22 Years Teaching Experience, Former HK EDB NET Teacher, Speech Festival/Debating/Public Speaking Skills Training

Cassandra Patience

10 years of teaching experience

HK$200 / 30 minutes
About Me
22 years experience teaching English.
Former Primary EDB NET Teacher in Hong Kong.
Very experienced with Hong Kong Primary School curriculum, PLPR/W programme, phonics and Cambridge Starters/Movers/Flyers course.
Speciality in HK Speech Festival Training, Debating, Public Speaking skills and Drama.
Currently working as an English Teacher in a Secondary School in the UK, teaching GCSE English Language and Literature.
My Teaching Style
I am a diverse and unique tutor, having taught all ages groups from Nursery to Adults in my 22 years teaching experience.

I cater for learner diversity and learning styles by addressing individual needs and adapting the lesson material and pace to suit the student in a way that can maximise learning potential.

My aim is to teach the learning objectives in a fun and interesting way to encourage motivation and interest in the English language.
BSc Psychological Sciences, University of Hertfordshire, UK
  • TESOL Certificate-HK Institute of Education, Distinction
  • LPAT (English) - Certificate of Merit
  • Certificate in Counselling Skills
  • Diploma in Counselling Skills (In progress)

Subjects offered
Subject Rate/hour
English HK$400
Specialities: English for Kindergarten , English for Primary School , Phonics , English for Junior Secondary School , English for adults , Business English , Interview Preparation , Other test preparation , English for Going Abroad , GCSE (UK)
Students: Adult , Kindergarten , Primary 1-2 , Primary 3-4 , Primary 5-6 , Secondary 1-3 , Secondary 4-6
Mental Health HK$400

The time below is in the timezone Asia/Hong_Kong (GMT+8)

Day Time
Monday 12:00 AM - 02:00 AM
Tuesday 03:00 AM - 04:00 AM
Wednesday 02:00 AM - 04:00 AM
Thursday 02:00 AM - 04:00 AM
Saturday 02:00 AM - 04:00 AM , 02:00 PM - 08:00 PM
Sunday 04:00 PM - 24:00 PM
30 minutes

Featured Courses

30 minutes
