🇿🇦 Ms. Nikki : (P3 - P6) 英語閱讀理解及創意寫作增益班 (某些上課時段專教英語會話)

🏆 請點擊 “我想了解更多” / " I want to know more" 與我們的職員聯絡了解上課時間表及報名試堂。🚀🚀



What you'll learn

  • 培訓出具自信的英語對答能力

  • 理解冗長閱讀篇章,識別其大意及答案

  • 分析文章並總結關鍵觀點

  • 從文章脈絡推測詞彙意思

  • 描述圖表,圖像主要訊息

  • 學習學術寫作技巧 (如日記 / 故事 / 說明文/抒情文)不同寫作題型

Please choose the student level

Curriculum (GMT+2)

The live classes would be conducted online! The teacher will do video conference with students in our online classroom. You only need either a mobile phone, an iPad or a computer with webcam/mic to attend the lesson.

每期會分開6堂 : ( 2 x reading ; 2 x writing ; 2 x speaking) 。每期都會訓練學生閱讀理解及分析文章時需注意的速度技巧 (先看sub-heading,掌握大概意思,從而閲讀題目,推斷正確答案) 。另外,透過互動練習 (包括 : fill in the blanks ; sentences - matching ; story - constructing, sentence- reorder, etc) 去訓練學生正確答出答案。在課程的中後期,會推動學生書寫短語及句子 , 並創意寫作簡單故事。最後,每堂亦會有訓練學生英語表達ideas能力練習,透過互動交流討論相應題目,繼以教授詞𢑥、文法。每堂亦會有適量遊戲,推動學生踴躍答問題。


  • 學生必須在香港讀小學3年級至6年級


  • 想改進及提升寫作能力的學生

  • 想訓練會話及閱讀文章的能力的香港學生


上課前的準備 :
電腦 - 需使用Google Chrome browser 進行上課
IOS (Apple users) - 需前往Appstore download我們的app : HeSheLearn Classroom app
Android users / 小米 - 需使用Google Chrome browser 進行上課
課程簡介 :
1. 是一個持續進行的英語Reading and Writing Intensive課程,開放孩子們報名P3至P6 的課程。
2. 每期6堂收取學費,在下期第1堂開始前,便需收齊整6堂的學費。
3. 按班級劃分班別,課程擁有升班及降班制度,以便調整各孩子們的英語會話水平。
4. 每堂課前都有筆記,孩子們按自行需要列印筆記。
5. 老師會不定期發放孩子們的學習進度報告,以便家長跟進孩子們的學習情況。
6. 課程以漸進的形式練習,讓孩子充份熟悉各堂內容 。
7. 課程包含有趣的活動和主題,大量詞彙及文法練習,增強詞彙及文法的使用及熟悉程度。
8. 教授小學 (P3 - P6) 學生。
9. P3 - P6 課程 : 每節課 60 分鐘,4 - 6 名學生一同進行課堂
Nikki - 【文學學士出身 每堂皆有課前筆記 課後完善支援學生備課! 】
超過10年教育小學生至成人學生經驗 |
🏆 請點擊 “我想了解更多” / " I want to know more" 與我們的職員聯絡了解上課時間表及報名試堂。🚀🚀

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Student Reviews


Hayden loves having Ms. Nikki’s lessons very much. Hayden joins Ms. Nikki’s lessons for nearly 6-years. The atmosphere of lessons are very good, the lessons are always happy and comfortable. Hayden becomes more confident in speaking English and loves talking with foreigners due to his confident. Ms Nikki teaches students with heart, such as she will prepare topics which students are interested in. We love Ms. Nikki very much.

Celine Tam

Thank you for giving us an opportunity to provide feedback on Nikki’s English teaching for Celine Tam. It’s our good fortune to have Nikki as Celine’s English teacher. She possesses all the attributes we expect in a good teacher. Nikki is knowledgeable, highly experienced, and very patient in her teaching approach. Nikki is organised and well-prepared for each lesson. She is passionate about teaching English and demonstrates excellent communication skills with Celine. Nikki consistently delivers high quality lesson and adjusts her teaching methods at appropriate times to cater for Celine’s level and learning style. This effectively raised Celine’s interest in learning and building her confidence in English learning. In addition, Nikki provides us with constructive feedback on Celine’s progress from time to time. Throughout the years, we have witnessed Celine’s gradual growth and improvements in various aspects of English, including phonics, speaking, reading and comprehension. She has successfully cultivated Celine’s enthusiasm for English learning, enabling her to confidently express her ideas. Celine now considers Nikki a true friend with whom she can share her happiness. Celine enjoys every lesson with her. Furthermore, we are impressed by Nikki’s responsiveness to our enquiries on English usage and her willingness to offer extra support on those enquiries. This further demonstrates Nikki’s dedication to ensuring the utmost effectiveness of Celine’s English learning journey. Nikki is the most ideal teacher that we have ever met in recent years. We shall definitely continue engaging Nikki as Celine’s teacher. Thank you once again.

Hendrix Ng

Nikki is a very good teacher and she is patient to the kids and having fun in the lesson.

Kumas Tang (p5)

Very good

Charles Ng


Aiden Cheng

million thanks again!

Hendrix Ng

Very nice teacher and well prepare every lesson, highly recommend T.Nikki

Peyton Chow

Peyton enjoys your class and she can learn well from the class.

About the instructor

Nikki Muller

🔥 我們平台最受歡迎老師之一 🔥 ✅擁有文學學士學位和教育高級文憑。 ✅有超過10年英語教授專業資格,150小時的TEFL證書 ✅10年來,老師一直在為兒童學生教授英語。 ✅老師的一對一課程經過精心計劃和準備,旨在為學生提供最佳的教育體驗和學習結果。 ✅老師目前正在網上教英語。老師很高興看到學生們嘗試新單詞和新語言,也喜歡看到他們在練習英語的過程中成長和進步。 I am a qualified teacher with a Bachelor of Arts degree and a Higher Diploma in Education. I also have a 150 hour TEFL certificate. I have been a teacher fo...

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