Ms Vanessa: (K1 - P4) 英語拼音 ( Jolly Phonics ) 課程

Jolly Phonics


HK$120 per lesson

What you'll learn

  • 學習 44 個 letter sounds

  • 發展造句以及拼音技巧

Please choose the student level

Curriculum (GMT)

The live classes would be conducted online! The teacher will do video conference with students in our online classroom. You only need either a mobile phone, an iPad or a computer with webcam/mic to attend the lesson.

This course teaches common letter-sound relationships. It focuses on students becoming familiar with letter naming, and reading single words with short vowel spellings. The five skills that the students will be able to learn are:

1. Letter sounds: letter names and letter sounds of a-z

2. Letter formation: Students will learn how to form and write the letters down during the lesson.

3. Blending: Students will be able to blend the sounds together to help them read and write new words.

4. Learning sounds in words: Students will develop their phonological awareness. This includes rhyming, beginning and ending sounds, breaking up words or segmenting, and linking letters to sounds.

K1-K3 課程將會學習以下音節
Stage 1 ( 5 堂)
s, a,t, i, n, p,n,c,k,e

Stage 2 ( 5 堂)

Stage 3 ( 5 堂)

Stage 4 ( 5 堂)
ai, oa, ie, ee, or, ng

Stage 5 ( 5 堂)
short oo, long oo, ch, voiced th, voicelss th, sh

Stage 6 ( 5 堂)
qu, ou, oi, ue, er, ar

P1-P2 課程將會學習以下音節
Stage 1 ( 6 堂)
nk, qu, ar, ff, ll, ss, zz, ck

Stage 2 ( 6 堂)
a_e, ay, ea, i_e, igh, y

Stage 3 ( 6 堂)
o_e, ow, u_e, ew for oo, ew for ue

Stage 4 ( 4 堂)
ou for ow, ou for u, oi, oy, or

P3-P4 課程將會學習以下音節
Stage 1 ( 6 堂)
silent b, silent w, silent k, wh, ph, ea/e/

Stage 2 ( 6 堂)
soft c, soft g, wa for wo, ou for /u/, air, ch for /k/

Stage 3 ( 6 堂)
ai, ee, ie for /ee/, oa, ue


  • 學生必須在香港讀幼稚園1年級至小學4年級


  • 想學英文基本拼音以及發音的幼稚園至小學生


上課前的準備 :
電腦 - 需使用Google Chrome browser 進行上課
IOS (Apple users) - 需前往Appstore download我們的app : HeSheLearn Classroom app
Android users / 小米 - 需使用Google Chrome browser 進行上課
課程簡介 :
1. 課程分為 Level 1-3, Level 1 適合 K1-K3 學生報讀, Level 2適合 P1-2 學生報讀,而
Level 3 適合 P3-4 學生報讀
2. K1-K3 的課程,共提供 25 堂,分為 stage 1-5,每個 stage 會有5堂,一般會係每期5堂
P1-2 的課程,共提供 22 堂,分為 stage 1-4,每個 stage 會有 6堂,而最後一個 stage
會提供 4 堂,一般會係每期 6 堂或者4堂咁收取學費
P3-4 的課程,共提供 18 堂,分為 stage 1-3、每個 stage 會有 6堂,一般會係每期 6 堂
3. 按班級劃分班別,課程擁有升班及降班制度,以便調整各孩子們的英語會話拼音水平。
4. 每堂後都有功課及筆記,予學生重溫學過的內容
5. K1 - P4 課程 : 每節課 60 分鐘,2-4 名學生一同進行課堂
Vanessa 老師擁有超過 7年 教學經驗,曾在香港擔任 playgroup 以及 英文拼音老師,其課堂互動有趣,並經常鼓勵小朋友發言、令學生愛上學習英文

🏆 請點擊 “我想了解更多” / " I want to know more" 與我們的職員聯絡了解上課時間表及報名試堂。🚀🚀

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About the instructor

Vanessa Abitria

- 6 years of tutoring experience - Former Playgroup and English Teacher in Hongkong - Summer Camp Teacher (Online and Offline) - Taught Jolly Phonics, Grammar, Reading, and Writing - Arts and Crafts

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